well this is the deal. im running out of characters to put in madness quarantine battle for newyork, so the 3rd person to send me a message saying they want to be in it gets the position. the position is a role in my upcoming animation in which i will make you as a person and have you play the role of a survivor in NYC!
what you have to do!
1. send message to me saying that you want a character in the animation.
2. get selected
3. send information as in, what clothes you want (be specific, also note that you need to be wearing civilian clothes so dont ask for crap like a jetpack), what color is your hair, do u want a hat, what you want to be called (just your first name). what kind of weapon (small arms).
goodluck to you all!
If I make it with that PM, then here's my favored weapons:
I also wish to weild a MAC-11, PPK, the Deagle (MC5 model), or a Model .500 Magnum.
Melee Weapons: Bowie Knife (Yeah, I own one of those)